About Folu Olatona
Dr Folu Olatona is a consultant public health physician, nutritionist, author and well sought-after conference speaker. She won the internationally acclaimed and keenly contested Nestle Nutrition Institute Africa’s award as the ‘Best Health Care Professional in Community Nutrition in Africa, in year 2013.
She is currently undergoing a PhD programme in Nutrition at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. The topic of her thesis is ‘Development of a blended learning intervention to address body mass index, body image, weight management and disordered eating among female university undergraduate students in Lagos State.
She has twenty-two years’ experience in Clinical Medicine and Public Health practice. She holds two masters’ degrees in Public Health, Human Nutrition & Dietetics as well as a Postgraduate Degree in Paediatric Nutrition from Boston University School of Medicine, Massachusetts, USA. She is an associate fellow of the West African Post Graduate Medical College and a fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria.
Dr Olatona is a Senior lecturer at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos and has authored 60 scientific publications on nutrition and other aspects of Public Health. Her passion for Healthy Living prompted her to author four health books, titled 'Healthy Diet and Weight Control Tips', 'Rich or Poor your child can be malnourished” and ‘Stress less, enjoy better health’, Eat healthy, spend less.
Dr Folu Olatona is the CEO of Pro-Healthy Living Consultant, a foremost Wellness Organization which has been operating successfully for 11 years (www.pro-healthyliving.com). She has presented keynote seminars on healthy lifestyle in many gatherings within and outside Nigeria. She has also featured several times on TV and radio programs in several parts of Nigeria on health subjects. She is happily married with children.